The Gospel of Mental Golf
The Gospel of Mental Golf is a step-by-step protocol that takes what is obvious about good golf and reinforces it in a way that helps promote a change in your mental golf game that endures.
The GOSPEL OF MENTAL GOLF consists of six steps that when followed and applied correctly can change your mental approach to golf. Change your mental state and good scores are soon to follow.
P – play within yourself.
A – all shots start behind the ball.
K – keep the ball in play off the tee.
R – remember course management
E – each hole is a new beginning.
M – maintain your sense of humor.
To help you better understand and appreciate the above stated principles consider purchasing the PAKREM bracelet which comes with a ten-page booklet in broken into six easy GOLF LESSONS . The booklet is easy to read, to understand, and to apply. This booklet comes with a bracelet that serves as a visual aid to remind the golfer of LESSONS learned as well as applied during a round of golf.
The bracelet and booklet cost only $25.00 (this price includes postage and handling).